Sun afternoon 2000 Swim
300 ladder dropping a 25 on each swim * take :20 R between sets 300 swim 275 swim 250 swim by 5 x 50 on :50 225 swim 200 swim by 4 x...
Easy swim day - 2000 yds
200 swim, 200 kick, 200 drill by L arm and R arm, Fists, Swim x 2 1000 easy swim - count your strokes every 4th 25 400 kick w fins ...
Long warm up and quality 750 set
2000 Yard Workout 200 swim, 200 kick w fins, 200 swim / drill w fins x 2 =1200 3 Rounds 100-75-50-25 Take :15 R between. 1 min rest...
2000 yds in 40 min.
5 x 200 :20 R Descend 1-3, 4 is easy, 5 is hard. 5 x 125 :15 R Descend 1-3, 4 is easy, 5 is hard. 5 x 75 :10 R Descend 1-3, 4...
Good Olympic distance swim training set 2000 yds.
700 broken at 100 by 10 sec 1 min rest 500 broken at 100 by 10 sec *faster than 700 pace 1 min rest 300 broken at 100 by 10 sec ...
Sprint swim workout with some fins (2150 yards)
200 swim , 200 kick w fins, 200 swim w fins. 5 x100 on 1:45 5 x 50 on :55 200 kick w fins 4 x 100 on 1:45 4 x 50 on :55 total 2150
swim with body weight
800-600-400-200 swims after each swim 20 PVC overhead squats 15 V ups 10 push ups 5 pull ups or 5 burpees took about 45 min
2000 Yards Freestyle
Feel free to use these workout as your main set. Add you warm up, drills and kicking and cool down. 500 Free warm up 125...
2000 yard Freestyle Set
8 x 150's with :20 R descend 1-4 and 5-8 8x 75's on the 1:15 descend 1-4 and 5-8 8 x 25's on the :30 descend 1-4 and 5-8
Today's 2000 swim
400 swim 8 x 50 on :50 300 swim 6 x 50 on :50 200 swim 4 x 50 on :50 100 swim (fast) 2 x 50 on :50 Note you can always add on by doing...