Scaled workouts and plans to meet your individual needs. Please call or email me for pricing questions.
60 minute training sessions that incorporate dynamic warm up, skilll building - teaching proper lifting technique, main workout mixing in functional exercises and cardio utilizing dumbbells, medicine balls, sandbags, Olympic Lifting, kettlebells, body wieight, and physio balls, followed by core work, and finally a cool down with mobility work and stretching.

Does your company have a fitness center not being utilized? I can design corporate wellness programs for your staff that includes fitness assessments, workouts, newsletters, and motivation to keep your staff healthy and fit.

Custom designed conditioning programs for yor Team whether in season, or pre or post season. Start you own small group train at any park, track or at Frances Meadows Fitness Center, CrossFit NE Georgia, or Brenau University. I have worked with baseball, basketball, track and XC programs, swimming and others.

Beginners to advanced swim lessons for adults and Kids taught at Brenau University. Ideal for the triathlete wanting to limprove technique and efficiency in the water.
Underwater Video Analysis - utilizing Coach Cam and GoPro HD digital cameras with Pro Motion Video Software. Choose 30 or 60 minute sessions including video, drills, handouts and suggested stroke corrections. Swim videos are emailed to you following lesson or burned to DVD.
Competition Swimming :stroke mechanics and analysis of all events for the competitive swimmer. Learn more explosive starts and turns. Learn new stroke drills to improve efficiency. Supplement your child's swim team coaching with individualized stroke work.

Monthly coaching programs utilizing Training Peaks. These are not stock plans. Weely workouts are created to meet your goals and busy time requirments. I solicit feedback and tweak workouts based n what is happening with you. Plans include detailed instruction with duration, yards, miles, intervals, distance, effort level, and suggested heart rate zones for every workout.