Sat 2-20-16 Senior Age Group Workout
Dynamic Warm Up Mountain Climber variations single leg, single leg -short fast, double leg, double leg slalom (L/R), single leg half...
Senior Age Group Dry Land Workout
10 reps each, 5 rounds for time. Hammer curl with lunge and press (lunge forward while curling dumbbelss, then press overhead, sticking...
Senior High Dry Land Workout
Dynamic Warm up Tabata 4 rounds each with 1 min rest between rounds :20 on and :10 off Swings Push ups from knees Air Squats Sit ups...
AG Swim Dry Land Workout
For time: 15 thruster 1 burpee 14 thrusters 2 burpees 13 thursters 3 burpees ..... 1 thruster 15 burpees
Age Group Swim Dry Land Workout
Main set Floor alternating arm bench press x 12 (6 ea arm) 10 x SDLHP ( high pulls with dumbbells) * start in wide stance, maintain...
Strength Workout - done with age group Lanier Aquatics Swimmers. Deadlift ladder
Dynamic warm up skips, cariocha, side shuffle, butt kicks, hops, walk lunge w twist, skip for height, skip for distance, inch worm,...