Workout w 9th grade XC country runner
5 min easy run
3 rounds 7 reps bench press 5 each leg TRX back lunge to straight arm hold w small jump TRX hamstring - hip bridges with straight leg extension.
10 reps of Elbows on Bosu, top of feet on Swiss Ball - knee to chest with Swiss Ball 3 rounds Bosu L hand to L foot, R hand to R foot (V up) x 10 reps Cross Over Bands straight arm torso turns, standing, shoulder height. x 10 each side Bent over row w DB single arm, knee on bench x 10 each arm 3 rounds Dip bar, straight leg raises to L hold or sub dip bar knee to chest x 10 Back extensions on Bosu x 10 Swiss Ball crunches x 10 DB swings x 10